Published: Sep 3, 2023

A New Heavy-Tailed Exponential Distribution: Inference, Regression Model and Applications

395-411 Ahmed Z. Afify, Rodrigo R. Pescim, Gauss M. Cordeiro, Hisham A. Mahran

Mixed Poisson Transmuted New Weighted Exponential Distribution with Applications on Skewed and Dispersed Count Data

413-424 Ademola Abiodun ADETUNJI, Shamsul Rijal Muhammad Sabri

Modeling the Asymmetric Reinsurance Revenues Data using the Partially Autoregressive Time Series Model: Statistical Forecasting and Residuals Analysis

425-446 Salwa L. Alkhayyat, Heba Soltan Mohamed, Nadeem Shafique Butt, Haitham M. Yousof, Emadeldin I. A. Ali

The Construction of Unemployment Rate Model Using SAR, Quantile Regression, and SARQR Model

447-458 Ferra Yanuar, Tasya Abrari, Izzati Rahmi HG

Assessing the Effect of Non-response in Stratified Random Sampling using Enhanced Ratio Type Estimators under Double Sampling Strategy.

459-473 Zakir Hussain Wani jana, S.E.H.Rizvi

An EPQ Model for Delayed Deteriorating Items with Reliability Consideration, Quadratic Demand and Shortages

475-489 Dari Sani

A Novel Version of the Exponentiated Weibull Distribution: Copulas, Mathematical Properties and Statistical Modeling

491-519 Mohamed K. A. Refaie, Asmaa Ayoob Yaqoob, Mahmoud Ali Selim, Emadeldin I. A. Ali

Marginal and Conditional both Extreme Value Distributions: A Case of Stochastic Regression Model

521-536 Sulaxana Bharali, Jiten Hazarika, Kuldeep Goswami

An Improved Class of Estimators Of Population Mean of Sensitive Variable Using Optional Randomized Response Technique

537-550 Preeti Patidar, Housila Prasad Singh

A modified weighting system for combined forecasting methods based on the correlation coefficients of the individual forecasting models

551-568 Chantha Wongoutong

A Class of Methods Using Interval Arithmetic Operations for Solving Multi–Objective Interval Transportation Problems

569-583 Ramesh Ganesan, Mathavan N

Modeling Tri-Model Data With a New Skew Logistic Distribution

585-602 Dimpal Pathak, Partha Jyoti Hazarika, Subrata Chakraborty, Jondeep Das, G. G. Hamedani