Last 12 Months |
Since 2005 |
Submissions Received |
247 |
3066 |
Submissions Accepted |
48 |
749 |
Submissions Declined |
143 |
1648 |
Submissions Declined (Desk Reject) |
101 |
589 |
Submissions Declined (Post-Review) |
42 |
838 |
Submissions Declined (Other) |
0 |
221 |
Submissions Published |
9 |
807 |
Average Days to First Editorial Decision |
92 |
172 |
Average # Days to Accept |
388 |
283 |
Average # Days to Reject |
142 |
211 |
Acceptance Rate |
6.07% |
24.43% |
Rejection Rate |
57.89% |
53.75% |
Desk Reject Rate |
30.77% |
19.21% |
Post-Review Reject Rate |
5.26% |
27.33% |
Other Reject Rate |
0.00% |
7.21% |