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We introduce a new extension of the reciprocal Exponential distribution for modeling the extreme values. We used the Morgenstern family and the clayton copula for deriving many bivariate and multivariate extensions of the new model. Some of its properties are derived. We assessed the performance of the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) via a graphical simulation study. The assessment was based on the sample size. The new reciprocal model is employed for modeling the skewed and the symmetric real data sets. The new reciprocal model is better than some other important competitive models in statistical modeling.


Reciprocal Exponential Distribution Morgenstern Family Moments Clayton Copula Estimation Simulations Odd Log-Logistic Family

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How to Cite
Mansour, M. M., Butt, N. S., Yousof, H., Ansari, S. I., & Ibrahim, M. (2020). A Generalization of Reciprocal Exponential Model: Clayton Copula, Statistical Properties and Modeling Skewed and Symmetric Real Data Sets: A Generalization of Reciprocal Exponential Model. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 16(2), 373-386.


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