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In this article, a class of Poisson-regression based estimators has been proposed for estimating the finite population mean in simple random sampling without replacement (SRSWOR). The Poisson-regression model is the most common method used to model count responses in many studies. The expression for bias and mean square error (MSE) of proposed class of estimators are obtained up to first order of approximation. The proposed estimators have been compared theoretically with the existing estimators, and the condition under which the proposed class of estimators perform better than existing estimators have been obtained. Two real data sets are considered to assess the performance of the proposed estimators. Numerical findings confirms that the proposed estimators dominate over the existing estimators such as Koc (2021) and Usman et al. (2021) in terms of mean squared error.


Ratio estimator Poisson regression Mean Square error Bias Efficiency Auxiliary variable

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Author Biographies

S.E.H. Rizvi , Division of Statistics and Computer Science, Main Campus SKUAST-J, Chatha Jammu-180009, India

Proffessor in the Division of Statistics and Computer Science SKUAST jammu and currently Dean of the Basic Science also


Manish Sharma, Division of Statistics and Computer Science, Main Campus SKUAST-J, Chatha Jammu-180009, India

Proffessor and Head of the Division of Statistics and Computer Science

M. Iqbal Jeelani Bhat , Division of Statistics and Computer Science, Main Campus SKUAST-J, Chatha Jammu-180009, India

Assistant Proffessor Division of Statistics and Computer Science

Saqib Mushtaq, Department of Mathematics, Main Campus University of Kashmir Srinagar-190006-India

Research Scholar

How to Cite
Jana, Z. H. W., Rizvi , S., Sharma, M., Bhat , M. I. J., & Mushtaq, S. (2022). Modified Regression Estimators for Improving Mean Estimation -Poisson Regression Approach . Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 18(4), 985-994.


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