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We present a new class of distributions called the Topp-Leone-G Power Series (TL-GPS) class of distributions. This model is obtained by compounding the Topp-Leone-G distribution with the power series distribution. Statistical prop- erties of the TL-GPS class of distributions are obtained. Maximum likelihood estimates for the proposed model were obtained. A simulation study is carried out for the special case of Topp-Leone Log-Logistic Poisson distribution to assess the performance of the maximum likelihood estimates. Finally, we apply Topp-Leone-log-logistic Poisson distribution to real data sets to illustrate the usefulness and applicability of the proposed class of distributions.


Topp-Leone-G Power Series Distribution Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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Author Biography

Fastel Chipepa, Botswana International University of Science and Technology

PhD statistics Student

Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences

How to Cite
Chipepa, F., Makubate, B., Oluyede, B., & Rannona, K. (2021). The The Topp Leone-G Power Series Class of Distributions with Applications: Top-Leone-G Power Series Class of Distributions. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 17(4), 827-846.


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