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In this research article, level of TDS in groundwater with spatial domain Tehsil Jampur, Pakistan is considered as response variable. Its enhanced level in drinking water produces both the human health concerns and aquatic ecological impacts. Its high value causes several diseases like bilestone, joints stiffness, obstruction of blood vessel and kidney stones. Some Geostatistical techniques were used to interpolate TDS at unmonitored locations of Tehsil Jampur. Four estimation techniques were comparatively studied for fitting well known matern spatial covariance models. Model based Ordinary Kriging (OK) and Bayesian Kriging (BK) were used for spatial interpolation at unmonitored locations. Cross validation statistic was used to select best interpolation technique with reduced RMSPE. Prediction maps were generated for visual presentation of interpolated sited for both techniques. This study revealed that among thirty observed locations, 56% water samples exceed the maximum permissible limit (1000g/ml) of TDS as described by WHO


Spatial Interpolation Box-Cox transformation Bayesian Kriging TDS

Article Details

Author Biography

Sohail Chand, College of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences University of the Punjab Quaid-i-Azam Campus Lahore Pakistan

Associate Professor
How to Cite
Ahmad, M., & Chand, S. (2015). Spatial Distribution of TDS in Drinking Water of Tehsil Jampur using Ordinary and Bayesian Kriging. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 11(3), 377-386.