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This paper provides a new generalization of the complementary Weibull geometric distribution that introduced by Tojeiro et al. (2014), using the quadratic rank transmutation map studied by Shaw and Buckley (2007). The new distribution is referred to as transmuted complementary Weibull geometric distribution (TCWGD). The TCWG distribution includes as special cases the complementary Weibull geometric distribution (CWGD), complementary exponential geometric distribution(CEGD),Weibull distribution (WD) and exponential distribution (ED). Various structural properties of the new distribution including moments, quantiles, moment generating function and RØnyi entropy of the subject distribution are derived. We proposed the method of maximum likelihood for estimating the model parameters and obtain the observed information matrix. A real data set are used to compare the ‡exibility of the transmuted version versus the complementary Weibull geometric distribution.


Transmutation complementary Weibull geometric Reliability Function Moment Generating Function Renyi Entropy Order Statistics Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Article Details

Author Biography

Nadeem Shafique Butt, Department of Statistics COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore

Department of Statistics
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore

How to Cite
Afify, A. Z., Nofal, Z. M., & Butt, N. S. (2014). Transmuted Complementary Weibull Geometric Distribution. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 10(4), 435-454.

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