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Warner (1965) introduced a Randomized Response Technique (RRT) to minimize bias due to non- response or false response. Thereafter, several researchers have made significant contribution in the development and modification of different Randomized Response Models. We have modified a few one-stage Simple Randomized Response Models to two-stage randomized response models in complex surveys and found that our developed models are more efficient.


Randomized Response Technique Sensitive Character Unbiased Estimators and Complex Surveys

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Author Biography

Mohammad Rafiq, Department of Statistics, University of Malakand

Department of Statistics
How to Cite
Rafiq, M., Hussain, Z., & Akhtar, S. (2016). Modifications of some simple One-stage Randomized Response Models to Two-stage in complex surveys. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 12(2), 327-338.