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In this study, we explore three innovative trigonometric models within the Bayesian framework, utilizing the inverse Weibull distribution as our foundation. These models—namely the Sine inverse Weibull, Cosine inverse Weibull, and Tan inverse Weibull—are crafted from distinct distribution families. We employ both maximum likelihood estimation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation techniques to estimate parameters, drawing upon a comprehensive dataset. By scrutinizing posterior samples numerically and graphically, we evaluate the efficacy of our models, generating Bayes estimates for parameters, examining reliability and hazard functions, and establishing credible intervals. Furthermore, we assess the predictive capacity of all three models through posterior predictive checks. We also conduct comparative analyses, pitting our models against competing ones using real-world data. Notably, our results reveal that the proposed trio of models exhibit strikingly similar performance in terms of fitting the data.


Sine Inverse Weibull Cosine Inverse Weibull Tangent Inverse Weibull Posterior Distribution Credible Interval

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How to Cite
Sapkota, L. P., KUMAR, P., Kumar, V., & Bam, N. (2024). Estimation and Analysis of Trigonometric Models under Bayesian Approach. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 20(3), 587-613.