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In this paper, a modified Chi-square goodness-of-fit test called the modified BagdonaviÄius-Nikulin goodness-of-fit test statistic is investigated and the applied for distributional validation under the right censored case. The new modified goodness-of-fit test is presented and applied for the right censored data sets. The algorithm of the censored Barzilai-Borwein is employed via a comprehensive simulation study for assessing validity of the new test. The modified BagdonaviÄius-Nikulin test is applied to four real and right censored data sets. A new distribution is compared with many other competitive distributions under the new modified BagdonaviÄius-Nikulin goodness-of-fit test statistic.


Barzilai-Borwein Bagdonavičius-Nikulin Right Censored Validation Goodness-of-fit Test Simulation

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How to Cite
M. Yousof, H., Al-nefaie, A. H., Aidi, K., Ali, M. M., & Mohamed, M. ibrahim. (2021). A Modified Chi-square Type Test for Distributional Validity with Applications to Right Censored Reliability and Medical Data: A Modified Chi-square Type Test. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 17(4), 1113-1121.


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