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The relations for moments of generalized order statistics (gos) for transmuted exponential distribution are obtained. These include relations for single, inverse, product and ratio moments. These relations are useful in for recursive computation of moments of gos for transmuted exponential distribution. Some characterizations of the distribution, based on single and product moments of gos, are also obtained.


Generalized Order Statistics Transmuted Exponential Distribution Recurrence Relations Characterizations

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Author Biography

Saman Shahbaz, King Abdulaziz University

Associate Professor

Department of Statistics, King Abdulaziz University,Jeddah,KSA

How to Cite
Al-Sobhi, M., Shahbaz, S., & Sherwani, R. A. K. (2021). Relations for Moments of Generalized Order Statistics for Transmuted Exponential Distribution and Characterization. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 17(1), 43-50.


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