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This paper is devoted to study a new four- parameter additive model. The newly suggested model is referred to as the flexible Weibull extension-Burr XII distribution. It is derived by considering a serial system with one component following a flexible Weibull extension distribution and another following a Burr XII distribution. The usefulness of the model stems from the flexibility of its failure rate which accommodates bathtub and modified bathtub among other risk patterns. These two patterns have been widely accepted in several fields, especially reliability and engineering fields. In addition, the importance of the new distribution is that it includes new sub-models which are not known in the literature. Some statistical properties of the proposed distribution such as quantile function, the mode, the rth moment, the moment generating function and the order statistics are discussed. Moreover, the method of maximum likelihood is used to estimate the parameters of the model. Also, to evaluate the performance of the estimators, a simulation study is carried out. Finally, the performance of the proposed distribution is compared through a real data set to some well-known distributions including the new modified Weibull, the additive Burr and the additive Weibull distributions. It is shown that the proposed model provides the best fit for the used real data set.  


Additive models Flexible Weibull Extension Distribution Burr XII Distribution Moments Maximum Likelihood Estimation

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How to Cite
Kamal, R. M., & Ismail, M. A. (2020). The Flexible Weibull Extension-Burr XII Distribution: Model, Properties and Applications. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 16(3), 447-460.


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