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The generalization of the classical distributions is an old practice and has been considered as precious as many other practical problems in statistics. These generalizations started with the introduction of the additional location, scale or shape parameters. In the last couple of years, this branch of statistics has received a great deal of attention and quite a few new generalized class of distributions have been introduced. We present a brief survey of this branch and introduce several new families as well.


Generalized classes of distributions Exponentiated family Marshall Olkin family Transmuted family Kumaraswamy family Alpha power transformation Zubair-G family Construction of new families.

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Author Biography

Nadeem Shafique Butt, Department of Family and Community Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah

Associate Professor of Biostatistics

How to Cite
Ahmad, Z., Hamedani, G. G., & Butt, N. S. (2019). Recent Developments in Distribution Theory: A Brief Survey and Some New Generalized Classes of distributions. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 15(1), 87-110.