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The quartic H-Bézier curve is used for the approximation of circular arcs. It has five control points and one positive real free parameter. The four control points are carried out by G^1-approximation constraints and the remaining control point is dividing the line segment joining the second and fourth control points in the ratio 1:2. Optimized value of free parameter α is obtained by minimizing the maximum value of absolute radius error of the recommended approximation scheme. The developed approximation scheme is found considerably better than the existing approximation schemes for these computed values of control points and optimized value of the free parameter.


Quartic H-Bézier curve control points free parameter G^1-approximation constraints absolute radius error

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How to Cite
Hussain, M., Ong, W. E., Nazir, F., & Hussain, M. Z. (2017). Circular arc approximation by quartic H-Bézier curve. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research, 13(2), 417-423.